Personal Best Bass at Clarrie Hall Dam

Ben from Canberra joined us today keen to beat his personal best Bass. We launched at Crams Farm Reserve and slowly made our way up the dam. Ben worked his soft plastic around the weed beds on all the likely points and banks in search of hungry fish.

It didn’t take long for Ben to tune in to the technique required on the day. The Bass were hitting the soft plastic on the fall and the bites would go undetected unless the line was carefully watched for any ticks or movement on the way down. Sometimes the bass would follow the plastic all the way to the bottom and pounce on it on commencement of the retrieve. This time of year a fast retrieve can elicit the trigger response needed as the Bass must think their meal is getting away.

Ben set the hooks on 3 out of about 10 hits and upgraded his personal best 3 times with 42, 43 & 44cm Clarrie bronze brawlers. Great work mate.

Clarrie Hall is looking great and fishing well. The water is crystal clear, the dam is 100% full and the fish are as robust and healthy as ever. Clarrie Hall is only an hours drive from Byron Bay which makes it the ideal day trip for those staying in Byron Bay looking for a fishing charter.


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